Konsènan SunRail
SunRail is a rail service moving people throughout the region by providing work and leisure travel opportunities and connecting communities. SunRail can make the daily commute fast, easy and affordable, as well as less stressful. The system currently operates over 61 miles with 17 stations through Volusia, Seminole, zoranj, epi Osceola konte.

Twa faz, yon sèl bi
Pandan 10 dènye ane ki sot pase yo, nan twa faz diferan, Depatman Transpò Laflorid la te devlope estratejik premye sistèm tren pou banlye Florid Santral la, ki konekte pasaje yo san danje ak konvenyans.

Faz 1
Sèvis inogirasyon
Louvri 1 me 2014
Nouvo liy tren Santral Florid la reprezante konvenyans vwayaj pou rezidan yo ak vizitè yo. Premye faz la detire 32 mil, konekte douz estasyon SunRail atravè twa konte diferan.
Faz 2 Sid
Ekspansyon Sid
Louvri 30 jiyè 2018
Ekspansyon Sid la, ki te louvri sou 30 jiyè 2018, konekte Sand Lake Road nan Konte Orange ak Poinciana nan Konte Osceola. Sa a se yon segman 17.2 mil ki gen kat estasyon adisyonèl nan sistèm tren ki egziste deja.
Faz 2 Nò
Ekspansyon Nò
Opened August 12, 2024
The Northern Expansion, which opened August 12, 2024, added 12.2 miles to the SunRail corridor, expanding service from the DeBary SunRail Station to the new DeLand Station.
Operasyon Estatistik
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